Sunday, October 16, 2011


I wanted so much this last project demo of mine to be successful.
I knew I needed luck because the project was a demo only and not a finished product and in matter of image processing which it was about, the fine-tuning of algorithms with different lightening conditions is a long process I did not have time to finish.
It worked very well, “thanks God”. Laurent, Bernard and Phillippe were well impressed and appreciated the technical features of this C# project.

Friday September  30 was my last day in office.
The management had asked me if I wanted a farewell cocktail, I said yes (because this was the best way to say good-by to many people I’ve known there) and they arranged everything for me. Including two gifts from the company which I chose by myself: a home cinema Hi fi amplifier by Yamaha and a Sony camera.
Some sixty people came to the cocktail in the cafeteria
Bernard and Laurent spoke about my professional career of which 27 years were with this company.
I expressed my gratitude to the company and greeted the colleagues, thanked them for their sympathy and support in difficulties and for their farewell, this particular moment when the presence becomes a souvenir. I thanked them for the money they collected for a gift for me and announced I decided to give the amount to a cancer research programme (Institut Curie).
After the speech and the applause, there was a glass of champagne and some light snacks (to me, not sufficiently vegan though).
There was also some music I brought with me: video recordings of mazurkas of Chopin played by Fei-Fei Dong and by Ingolf Wunder during the 2010 Warsaw piano competition. Some people including Jean-Pierre, Zaiqun and her boyfriend Gabriel asked me more details about Chopin competition.
Many people came and talked to me and wished me happy retirement.
And that was it, simple as I had wished and yet a high moment, not only to me, I suppose.
Thank you, Yvette for your help in arranging this event.

Invitation 2011 Sept, 30
with Claude, 1985
with J-P, Marina and G, 1985

with Samira and Henri-Martial, 2010