Saturday, December 12, 2009

Farewell to Wanda

It was a short visit to Warsaw for the burial of my mother.
Hugo wanted absolutely to come along, to honor the memory of his Granma.
We took the Swiss plane to Warsaw via Zurich and stayed in Warsaw at my brother’s place.
Monday was completely busy with the ceremony and with the family gathering.
Among those who accompanied her was also Jurek, the physiotherapist who helped her a lot, both physically and spirit-wise in the last period of her life. He too was afflicted by her passing away.

It was a sort of relief when it was all finished.
The next day we did some basic shopping (I usually buy in Poland some « organic » food which is better than in France). Later, we walked in the Old City, a relaxing walk in a sunny day.
We had an early lunch with my brother’s family in the Korkociag restaurant (their vegetarian food is not really the best in class) and took the plane back to Paris.

Warsaw trip pictures:

Farewell to Wanda

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